Wednesday, 7 May 2014

SGS is blogging!

I will just summarise what we do and why we think you should come join us.

We give new visitors two weeks to check out what we offer and see if they feel we are a good fit for them. After that we charge £10 a year for membership and ask for £1 in nightly fees. Members get access to monthly tournaments (card games & wargames), minibus trips to popular events around the country, and the right to vote on key issues in regular meetings.

Rocky beach with GW miniatures placed for battle
Ultramarine scouts move in. This is a snap from our 2012 Battle 40K on the Rocks

 We run on Mondays and Wednesdays at Roscoe's Bar, behind Sainsbury's in the center of Scarborough. Some of us take advantage of the bar to quench our thirst during hearty battles or to help deal with defeat. Snacks are also well stocked at the bar - all essential gamer food!

Old board game being played by 2 SGS veterans
We have a mixed selection of old and new board games

We like to get out in the sunshine once in a while and have a good beach BBQ. The opportunity to socialise and promote gaming and the society to the public has been great fun and so far no figures have been washed away!

Sand castle built on Scarborough South Bay covered in LOTR figures
One hastily built ancient Lord of the Rings castle for our 2013 BBQ & Battle on the Beach

We are a casual bunch, and love exploring new games and making our own. Once a month we try to be serious and put on an organised tournament. Card game tournaments are every month, with wargames tournaments happening every few months. Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, Cardfight: Vanguard and X-wing are all popular events.

You'll always find an opponent with a deck ready for a game

Got your dice...?

For more information see our website at or like us on facebook